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Faith and Food 

Since I could remember, my family and I have talked about having a business together one day. After mulling over a million and a half ideas that never came to fruition, I settled into a comfy corporate sales job that I once loved. But, there was always something missing! I knew I was born to have my own business, but couldn't figure out why I would never take the leap! 

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Eclesiastés 3:1


I was finally tired of not having purpose in my day to day job and felt the nudge I needed for so long.

 I looked at my husband and kids and just knew that this was the right decision. We haven't looked back since and our faith keeps us grounded and looking ahead for what we know will be a very successful future, where ever our journey takes us!

Image by Robin Spielmann

Most know my cancer story, but if you don't I'll catch you up pretty quickly...

In 2016, at the age of 27, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 ,

Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

We put our faith in the hands of God and let him walk us through what would be the most pivotal moment in our lives. After 16 chemo treatments, 36 radiation treatments, 6 surgeries, and a really trying year...

We were "Cancer Free" !

What could only be deemed a God given miracle and the help of some extraordinary doctors behind us, we moved on to our new normal. We have taken some pretty mighty leaps in these past 6 years, and though we have had some difficult moments... walking by faith has been our constant. 

I deserve nothing, owe everything, and we are still blessed with all we need!



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